Naturopaths wanted for online holistic/natural therapy clinic in Ottawa, Canada
I am a pharmacist here in Ottawa, Canada. I use a lot of vitamins, minerals, and natural treatments when counseling patients.
I need to hire naturopaths for my upcoming online holistic/natural therapy clinic here in Ottawa, Canada. NEW GRADS MOST WELCOME!!
I would provide you with clients and you would counsel them on their health via online. I would pay you for your service.
Its that simple.
The website is not up yet as I am now recruiting health care professionals for this online service.
There is a great demand for naturopathic therapy here in Ottawa, and I think we could benefit a lot of people.
My role:
I assess patient’s medications for side effects, drug interactions, etc…and speak to the patient and then schedule appointments with you.
As a pharmacist I act to support and help the naturopathic doctor if needed, you the naturopathic doctor are the one who treats the patient, counsels the patient, orders tests, and gives the recommendations for treatment. I act as support only, so we can combine allopathic medicine with naturopathic medicine to produce the best result for the patient.
Your role:
See patients via telemedicine , provide high-quality, personalized treatment and patient care, counsel patients
Respond to patient emails when necessary, order lab tests and prescribe supplements
We work as a team, so if you feel you want to modify something in our method for handling patients that’s perfectly fine!,We can modify our approach so it suits you, and the patients, in the end its what works for everyone that I want.
Why choose my team:
I bring clients to you, so you can focus on your patients, and I pay you directly!
No rent, marketing fee’s etc…everything is virtual so no upfront costs to you, you start earning right away! Work from anywhere you want!
Make your own schedule, I organize the administration, service everything.
Please be atleast a graduate of naturapathic doctor program, pay will be discussed when we talk, and is negotiable.
Experience in not required, but is an asset, new grads most welcome!
If you have any questions please feel free to call/text/email me anytime.
All the very best,
Faisal Islam
MPharm, UK,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
613 983 3750